An Oniric Journey: The Books Quest

An Oniric Journey: The Books Quest



Have You ever had a recurrent dream?

It doesn't mater if it was an extactley copy of a dream you had before, or if You dream with a recurrent character, or like me, with recurrent objects.

Some years ago, I found for the firs time ever a huge red lather binded book. It hasn't any draw or inscription on it, but as quickley as I had it on my hands, I realized that book is named "The Blood Book.". Months later, I found out more books, and I finally can throw some light on that curious dream.

There are actually three different volumes of three books, each volume with a diferent colour: The red books (The Blood Books), the green books (The Books of Life), and the blue books (The Drowned Books). Although I named all of them, my oniric self (I mean, while I was sleeping) had named only the red books, whereas my awake self named all the other books.

Until now, I have found only three books (Two Blood Books and only one Drowned Book), and, to be honest, I don't know the exactly meaning of those, or they specific content. I just have a blurry idea of what their subjects are: The Blood Books have information about the "Flesh Machine", and they may contain the secrets about our bodies limits and functions, like the secrets of the pineal gland or how can external sources (like drugs) can "improve" our sences. The Life Books contains data related to the human condition, and the true meaning of life. Also, they may contain the "recipe of life", and maybe, the key to become a God-like being. And finally, The Drowned Books are the most mysterious of all, because I have no idea of what their purpose is, or what kind of role they may play with the "meaning of life", and the "Flesh Machine functioning".

I'm willing to know your stances about all of this riddle (and obviousley, your help to develop my grammar). Maybe in some other time I share with You the dreams where I found the books. :)