Take decisions?

Take decisions?


language learning

Do we like to make IMPORTANT DECISIONS for ourselves? Decision making is a complicated subject because it involves many aspects that affect them.

First of all, we have to think about what we really WANT and why we want to make that decision. We have the need to make a decision for something in particular and it must be in our favor, in a POSITIVE way.

Second, we have to analyze which aspects help us and which do not, to the decision we want to make, that is, to assess what the CONSEQUENCES may be, since we cannot be completely selfish and think if it can harm people we care about.

Finally, we must assess, if in any case this decision would cost us to make it, if there is any other alternative that could BENEFIT all of us, for example, can we change something that is going to affect before making this decision? Can we think that another decision may be more appropriate? Although we must say that the first of all is that our decision makes us happy and firm about it.

With this ideas in mind, decisions must be made to grow as people but you should think before acting.