The secret history of writing

The secret history of writing



I'm a documentary person. Cinema is one of my big passions. I love fictions, mainly dramas. However, there is a huge room in my heart for documentaries. The good ones are always great journeys through space and time. While fictions are focused on human emotions, documentaries evoke the emotion of discovery. Recently I watched a fascinating BBC documentary called "The secret history of writing". At the beginning, I thought this title was a bit sensationalist, but I really felt like that while I was following the narrative. The most outstanding fact I came across there was the discovery about the connection between the Egyptian hieroglyphs and all alphabets that exist nowadays, including the Latin one I'm using right now. The letter "A", for instance, comes from the hieroglyph that represent a bull. If you look thoroughly, you will be able to see a bull upside down hidden there. The explanation for that connection is breathtaking, but I will let the curiosity motivates you to find out by yourself.