


daily life

Health is an important issue for my husband and me, so we used to workout regularly in our own way.

My husband likes running. He’s been participating full course marathon ten times and I used to go to a spinning class three times a week. But, COVID hit the world and everything has been changed a lot.

All the marathons were cancelled and the spinning classes were closed as well. We had a good excuse not to do a workout regularly, and my husband’s belly is getting bigger. Fortunately, I get a good gene from my parents and I am still in a good shape even though I barely did the workout.

We decided to buy a spinning bike, but we have to wait until the bike ships from Taiwan. There was no in stock in Korea because of home training trend. We’ve been waiting for it almost two months. We assume to have it this week and we’re looking forward to it.

I searched the spinning class videos on YouTube and I noticed some cultural differences.

In the western, a spinning means just pedaling without any motion, just controls the speed up and down, but a spinning class in Korea means like a dance class. You have to move your arms and follow a teacher’s institution while you are pedaling. There’s a loud and exciting music in the classroom. It’s really fun.