What is GitHub ? đź’»

What is GitHub ? đź’»




Hi everyone,

Today, I decided to tell you about GitHub because few people comments my first post about it.

Firstly, GitHub is a website owned by Microsoft since 2018. It is the most famous "social media" for developers.

It allows you to create repositories to share your code. Each repository can be private (to save your code and work with other users without share the code to everyone) or public.

A public repository allows everybody to see the code, to copy it, to suggest updates (and contribute) and to repport issues. It can be very helpful to get feedbacks about projects (small or big) and to help others.

Furthermore, Journaly is available on Github (see here : https://github.com/Journaly/journaly). I found Journaly thanks to GitHub, and I'm sure that I'm not alone in this case :D

I hope that this post is helped you, bye!