The mining industry in Europe - Part 1

The mining industry in Europe - Part 1


international relations

Mining in Europe? Is that really a thing? Yes, it is!

The extractive sector in Europe has gained considerable momentum in these past years since the launch in 2008 of the Raw Materials Initiative by the European Commission which focuses on fostering and securing sustainable supply of raw materials from domestic sources, boosting resource efficiency and promoting recycling among other actions. Different European strategies keep nudging the mining sector in its quest to achieve a transition towards a green and digital economy.

Some examples of these include the proposal of the first European Climate Law in October 2020 aiming to net zero gas emissions by 2050, the Action Plan on Critical Raw Materials and the recent update of the List of Critical Raw Materials. All in all, these projects help the mining sector endure so that the growing demand on raw materials can be properly met with European primary resources and abate the dependence on third countries.

But thy should we even pay attention to mining?

Just take a look around. If something cannot be grown, it has to be mined! Not only high-tech is reliant on mining, but also the most ordinary things such as detergents, face creams or even toothpaste rely on the mining industry. Do you want to hear more?

Wait for Part 2!