About data on crime

About data on crime



2019 European data of Crime and Criminal Justice must be published soon. There are different collections of data: offences (police data), intentional homicide and sexual offences, persons in the crime systems (suspected, prosecuted, convicted), court processes, prisoners.

All data are published with different breakdowns.

Crimes are categorized with the International Classification for Statistical Purposes, that is a classification developed by the United Nations Office for Crime and Drugs and spread in several countries with the auspicious that it will be even more embedded in the judiciary systems.

I expect still some problems in the accounting methodologies, due to the differences in judiciary sistems and due to the fact that the case management systems are made for administrative purposes and not for statistical ones.

For example If I look to Italian data, I see the lowest ratio of crime per inhabitants or a low ratio of persons convicted but on the other side I see a very high ratio of judicial criminal procedings per inhabitants. This fatct can imply different account methodologies in same variables. To overcome this problem a solution could be to make clusters of countries who have the same accounting methodologies and to compare only countries into the clusters.