Intensive Reading

Intensive Reading


language learning

Hi everyone,

It's been a while since I last wrote here. So first, I have to say that I miss writing here :)

I've been taking advantage of extensive reading for a while. I've been reading lots of books, from novels to self-improvement books. However, now I'm missing more active study in my journey.

From time to time, I like to review my approach to learning English and make the needed adjustments to fit it to my current needs. That's what I'm doing now. I reached a decent English level last year. Since then, I've been just keeping it consuming different sources of native English content. Now, I need to take my English to the next level, and I feel like extensive reading could help me with that.

However, like you all probably know, one of the hardest things about learning a new language by yourself is to find good resources and materials according to your level. So, I'd like to ask you guys if you have some suggestions for websites where I can find some good articles. I prefer short articles, so I can read over and over, exploring as much as I can without being bored.

For reference, I've been reading James Clear's articles. They're excellent, and I highly recommend them if you like to read about topics like creativity, productivity, negotiation, and so on. (In general, they're not so challenge for me, but since I like them, I can focus in every word that I don't know. Life's balance haha)

Thank you so much, and I see you next time!