When I read all Harry Potter's books

When I read all Harry Potter's books



Since I was 11, my sister and I were huuuge Harry Potter fans. We could barely wait for the next film to be released.

Yeah, we discover Harry Potter throught the films. Well, reading wasn't an usual thing in my family... But years later, I realized how reading can be powerful, and then I became a regular reader.

thHowever I used to read my friends' books, later I discovered the ebooks, but this is a topic for a future text.

Well, what I'm trying to say is that I ended up forgetting HP books and just last year I decided to start it once for all!

So, on 2020 I read all the books (borrowed again, coz I didn't have money to buy the whole series hahaha) and guys... I LOVE it! Even more than the films, actually I started to dislike the films hahaha. Don't ask me why, I don't know yet.

I loved to know more about Harry, I liked the Harry from the books twice as much and I felt the same about all characters.

There's just one thing I'd want to know more about: Harry and Ginny's relationship.. the book barely mention Ginny too...

But despite that, I discovered I'm more like Ginny than Hermione hahahah... My entire life I thought I was Hermione but... I'm clearly Ginny hahahaha

So... since I read it I'm always looking for a good sale to buy the whole novel hahaha, by the way, if you know about one, send it to me.

I highly recommend you this reading, It's an easy, quick and delightful full of emotions reading. You won't regret it!