Modern Family

Modern Family


tv series

I watched Modern Family, the first episode of season 1. Mitchell and Cam are a gay couple and they adopted a baby from Vietnam whose name was Lily. Mitchell’s dad and his older sister live nearby Mitchell’s place, so they often gather all together. But Mitchell never told his family they were adapting a baby, so he was very nervous when they got to their home with Lily for the first time. Cam had already invited Mitchell’s family over for dinner that night. All the family members came to Mitchell’s house, he started talking. He said they were thinking about adapting a baby about a year ago. And then his dad said that was a bad idea because a kid needed a mother. His older sister also said that you were a pretty uptight and you couldn’t handle a kid well. At that moment, Cam took Lily out to the family members with Lion King music background. All of them were shocked, but they all accepted Lily.

Modern Family was running for ten years and had 11 seasons. The story was pretty much interesting and it was also good for us to see the kids’ growing up through from season 1 to 11. This was the first drama I’ve seen in English and it was very helpful to understand their culture.