Conversation with a stranger

Conversation with a stranger


language learning

Today I listened to a podcast and the topic was how to start a conversation with a stranger. The sample dialogue took place at a community book club. While I was listening to it, I tried to take dictation.

Here’s the sample dialogue.

A: Hi, are you here for the book club?

B: Yeah, you too?

A: Welcome. Is this your first time here?

B: Yes, it is.

A: I’m happy you joined us. My name is Mike.

B: Nice to meet you, Mike. I’m Patricia, but you can call me paty.

A: Ok, Paty. Nice to meet you,too.

So, what brings you to the book club?

B: Well, I’m new in town and I thought it would be a good way to motivate me to read some books

and also meet some like minded people at the same time.

A: Killing two birds with one stone. Nice!

B: Yeah, what about you? Are you from here?

A: Born and raised. I’m a counselor at Central High School.

B: That’s great. I’m kind of in between jobs right now, but I’m working at a coffee shop part time

while I look for something.

A: Perfect. Did you read the book we’re supposed to discuss tonight?

B: I did. It was little.....

A: Wait,wait,wait. Hold that thought for the meeting.

Speaking of which, I think we’re supposed to get started any moment now.

Should we grab a seat?

B: Yeah, let’s do it.

I think dictation is also a good method to study a foreign language.