My current job

My current job


daily life

Hello everyone! 

Today I'm going to talk about a job that I got that's only for 3 days. I'm working at the call center for the college admission process for new students at my university. 

The work consists mainly in answering questions that students may have about the process. To prepare for the job, I had to attend capacitation meetings and study a lot of documents to understand the process as a hole and to be able to help new students. To do this, the university provided us with computers that have an specific software that allows us to answer calls through the computer itself, not needing a cell phone.

Because of covid, we are working from home, from 8am to 8pm. It's going to be a long day, but the good thing is that I'm not receiving calls all the time, so I can do other things between calls, such as reading or watching videos. 

Since I just got out of college, in the next few days I'll be working on my cv and my Linkedin page, to start looking for a job, I hope I can find something related to my area of interest (archives and records management). 

Wish me luck!