Why am I here?

Why am I here?


language learning

hi, everyone!

I am just starting as a language learner and so I am new to the entire process. I'm really excited. in fact, learning spanish has taught me how little I understand english (my native language) - but I do love using it and playing with it in my own way!

I started learning Spanish in October 2020, and I fell off about a week ago. today I was watching a video from Robin and I have been thinking about Journaly for a bit and I thought, "okay, anything I write will sound like it is being written by a very nervous, very formal child but I want to try."

I think part of why I fell off is that I was getting to the point (or I felt I was getting to the point) where I was moving from crawling to walking, and I wanted to run. I very badly want to be able to express myself comfortably and spontaneously (mistakes are okay with me!)

here are some of my short-term goals

  • understand sentence structure more (if anyone has any resources or words of wisdom in terms of building comfort with this, let me know!)
  • use Journaly to focus my vocabulary and be intentional about expanding my familiarity zone
  • finish an online course I am taking from Why Not Spanish?

I'm looking forward to meeting you and seeing what this is all about!

- bailey