


daily life

Today I went to a Korean restaurant with my husband for lunch, and there were some families with their kids. Many parents give their phones to their children while they’re having a meal these days even though the kids look like just 2 or 3 years old. I can find easily like that situation every time when I go to a restaurant. I always doubt it. Why do many parents allow that their kids watch a phone during a meal? Sometimes the sound from the phone is so loud. I can’t understand them. I know it’s difficult to control kids at a restaurant but as far as I’m concerned, they need to practice. I’m sure they can get used to it and enjoy their meal.

Phone was just a device to call someone and got messages, but now phone is a computer. We can do almost everything with a phone as a computer can do. I couldn’t agree with more that phone is an essential and must have item in our lives, but sometimes we must think about the usage of it.

There’s a rule in my house. Nobody can bring their phones on the dinner table.