My English  Learning Journey + I Realized too Late That English is Important

My English Learning Journey + I Realized too Late That English is Important


language learning
language exchanges
daily life

Hi There,

How's it going and I hope you are doing well

This is my first time using Journaly and this is my first post and I want to talk about my English leraning journey . I’m only beginner level at English so I apologize in advance for any mistakes , so feel free to correct me. I’m here to improve my English and I hope you guys can help me.

Lets begin: I was born in Indonesia to be precise in South Sulawesi so in my everyday life I mostly speak Bahasa and Buginess. The third language is English, at scool but i wasn't interested that until I’m in college because the system isn’t the best at English.

So after graduated college I stayed at home for 1 year and once I realized that English is important for my big dream to continue study abroad. so I started to learn English by immersing myself (especially via Youtube videos and language exchanges)

Finally,even though I realized too late that English is important but I believe that if I study hard I can reach a good level of English.
