Reading My First Novel In Norwegian As a Complete Beginner

Reading My First Novel In Norwegian As a Complete Beginner


language learning
multilingual book club 01

What an interesting way for that photo to load . . .

I was excited to finally find a copy of this in Norwegian. I know Robin said we could participate by reading in English if we couldn't find our learning language, but I didn't want to do that. Something about that just made me sad.

This book came in today's mail. I was surprised it was a hard back, since I found it for only $15 (including shipping).

Looking through it, I see that I'm not ready to start on it and be able to have even a 50% comprehension. The vocabulary is not complex, though, and if I hit my language learning goals for this next week, I could have a fairly good grasp without having to stop too frequently to consult the dictionary.

I'm really excited to begin this, and I think it's a great idea to push my language learning past my comfort zone, without being so difficult that I quit in discouragement. On my own, I wouldn't have attempted this for quite some time.

If anyone knows that this title has also been translated into Cherokee (the other language I'm learning, at the same time), please do let me know! That will be quite the challenge . . . and probably one I need to do much later. (Cherokee is a syllabary. In Cherokee, the word for the Cherokee people is Tsalagi. And in syllabary, that is written: ᏣᎳᎩ. See what I mean?)

In the meantime, this adds an exciting new layer in how to balance learning two languages at the same time.