My Chess Story?

My Chess Story?


board games

I learned to play Chess on my own when I was in Junior High School. During those days, my friends and I would always play whenever we have a free time at school. I was the only beginner in our group; that's why I've always convinced myself that it was just natural for me to lose most of the time. I had only ever won a few times and I remember counting every victory I had. One day, one of my classmates/friends asked me to teach him how to play chess. I told him, "Why me? I'm just a beginner." Then he said, "Just teach me the basics so you can have someone at your level that you can play with." I was so excited at the thought of teaching someone how to play chess for the first time. I taught him everything I knew. We played a lot and I would always win, but one day he beat me, and I never won against him ever again. He was also able to beat our other friends more often than I did. We still played a lot, until I transferred to a different school for Senior High.

I never played during my Senior High School days until Intramurals, when one of my classmates, who was also my classmate from Junior High, told our skipper(class president) that I knew how to play chess. And since I was the only one who knew how to play chess in our class, I signed up to play for the intramural. I was very nervous thinking about it so I told one of my friends that I will back out, she asked me why and then I told her that I still hadn't regained my confidence since I lost to someone who just learned from me (then I told her about the story). Then she said, "Why are you even sad about that? Don't you think you should be celebrating because you've taught someone to be good at something when you were just a beginner yourself? Don't you realize how great of a teacher you are? You should be proud of him and yourself as well."

What she said made me look at my story from a different perspective. I realized a lot of things, and I thank her a lot for that. I still love playing chess, but it's just one of my many hobbies now. I'm not sure how to end this 😂. I'll just make a new post about my realizations from this story of mine.

Disclaimer! I'm still not good at Chess😂.