Why I feel more comfortable writing my thoughts when it is not in my native language?

Why I feel more comfortable writing my thoughts when it is not in my native language?


daily life

My logical answer is "because if one day someone that is not me feels like digging in my stuff, they probably won't be able to understand what they are reading".

But is that it? Maybe not. And this morning I felt like deeply thinking about it. And also because I believe that this is a very interesting topic to start my journey on writing a journal.

I have never been good at writing. My brain works too fast and so do my thoughts. They appear and disappear so quickly that I can not catch them in time to write them. So I gave up on trying to write anything a long time ago. I guess I am not the only one that feels that way and I guess I am just not a gifted one. But that is my reason. Please believe me. Despite of it, I am going to try, because I have been told that this is a great way of improving language skills.

So here I go

I like music. I learned to play the guitar and I started writing songs. Of course, none of them are good. But the thing about these songs is that I wrote them entirely in English. One, because I did not want anybody to understand what I was writing about and two, because somehow I did not imagine myself writing those things in my native language. I mean, if I read them in English it was like a different person wrote them and I felt normal. But when it came to telling someone about the lyrics, I knew that it would mean having to translate it for them and when I used to think about it, my heart always started to race, because I felt so exposed, like spiritually naked.

I suppose that it has something to do with me being a very shy person that is not used to sharing her feelings or thoughts with anybody and hardly admits them out loud... or maybe I am just weird.