My first class on Italki

My first class on Italki


language learning

Today I had my first ever lesson on Italki. Regarding my performance, I have to say that it went really badly, and I want to share here the problems that I faced.

Firstly, I kept on forgetting the words that I already know, for these reason I constantly ran out of words. This was even more frustrating because the words that slipped my mind were from a very basic vocabulary, i.e. words I'm sure I know by heart. For instance, I forgot how to say "neighborhood" or "wall"! Secondly, I lacked linking words -or at least a handful of them-, which causes a hesitant, all in all, unfluent speaking. Some linking words that my tutor suggested, and that I hope to implement, are: "Similarly, despite, since, as well as". Again, I know already those words but when I try to speak I just forget them. On the other hand, some words -actually some linking words!- were stuck in my head and I overused them, so my speech sounded at times repetitive. Those expressions were: "for example" and "in terms of". To fix this last one problem I thought that I will have to simply try to memorize some synonyms like "for instance", "namely", "with regard to" "concerning" and so on.

To sum up, I have a lot of work to do, but I'm glad that I finally stepped out of my comfort zone and committed myself to the challenge that is to speak in a foreign language.