Your Favorite Notes

Your Favorite Notes


language learning

Hi, everyone! I have a question for you all?

Do you have a language learning planer/journal?

I'd like to know how you take notes for the language(s) you're learning. What do you focus on most? Is it phrases for speaking, idioms, grammar rules, vocabulary, a paragraph, etc? Would your notes be different for different languages? You can tell me about your planning style too. I don't want to ask many questions all at once. 😅

For example, I, myself, focus on different things in each language. Noun declination was my most important note for German. Writing down a story and breaking it down for Spanish, conversational sentences from movies for English, and so on. I can't say these are successful approaches. That's why I'm trying to hear different approaches.

I should make a real survey, but for now, please take this post as a survey for my research. So, I really appreciate it if you participate.