Some random thought when the holiday is almost over

Some random thought when the holiday is almost over



Today is the 4th day of the Lunar New Year in my country Vietnam. This is the biggest and longest holiday in Vietnam. Its spirits are similar to Christmas from Western culture. However, I cannot find myself enjoying it as much as when I was a kid. I feel out of nowhere this days. But at the same time, I am truly greatful that I was able to make it home with my family this holiday. I am going to leave tomorrow for work in a different place in which is 40km far away from my parents house. I might miss my plants a lot. I have built a strong interest of herbs and some aromatic plants. I have been successful with growing rosemary, thyme, eucalyptus, lavender with my parent’s assistance. Since I don’t have green thumbs as my parents do, I have to move all of my plants to my parents garden where they can have a brunch of direct sunlight to grow that is unfortunately not available in my place.

I am planning to have some other types of eucalyptus and lavenders in the near future. I wish I can afford a place with a full sunlight balcony very soon, so that I can brings all those plants to live with me.

Last thing of my first post here, I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year :)