I’m reading a famous travelogue series written by Ryotaro Shiba. I found the first volume at my mother-in-law’s house, and for some reason, it caught my eye. I knew about the series, but it had never interested me until now.
The series is a non-fiction travel essay in which Shiba visits and writes about old roads and places in Japan and other countries. He blends history, personal thoughts, and cultural insights, demonstrating his deep understanding of Japan’s past.
The first volume begins in Otsu, with Shiba travelling along the western shore of Lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture. Following Shiba’s descriptions, I open Google Maps and explore the terrain and nature of the area myself, sometimes even taking side trips.
Oh, what a delightful read! No complicated itineraries, no worries about accommodation, and the ability to travel across the country in my mind. I’m completely hooked!
I don’t yet know if this series includes travelogues about Etchu and Shinano, places I have always wanted to visit. If you know anything about them, please let me know. For now, I’m thoroughly enjoying travelling around Japan like this - sitting in a warm room, watching the snow fall outside the window.
司馬遼太郎の「街道をゆく」ですよね。私もよく知らなかったのですが、越中は第4巻に出てくるようです。興味があるので読んでみようと思います! 4巻の目次に出てくる五箇山村上家には私は実際に行ったことがあります。五箇山は前に少しお話しした、平家の落人が住み着いたとされている地域です。