My Works in Progress

My Works in Progress



Time goes by so fast, and I can't believe it's already Federally! Unfortunately, I haven't finished any art pieces yet, but I'd like to share my works in progress with you.

I prefer painting on multiple pieces at once over focusing on just one, so it takes me longer to complete them. I've been working on five pieces, and two of them are getting closer to finish.

The first one is a sake vessel. I've been working on this piece since last year. I'd hoped to take it to an art show in Italy, but I couldn't finish it in time. Now, It's nearly complete.

I still have to add more gold to the hand, spout and a few other areas. It's almost there, and I plan to complete it in this month.

Next are boxes. I've been painting two different boxes' both insides and the tops.

Inside of the boxes are the same design.

The camellia flowers and leaves on the top still need more colors. I think I can finish this piece within the month too.

The third one is a plate. This one still needs lots of work, and I'll probably need to fire it at least three more times.

The last piece is a samurai helmet. This time, I'm painting it for my grandson. I changed the design and I'm trying to create a more colorful and glamorous piece for him. I'd love to complete this piece in time for his second Boy's Festival.

Since I'm nearing the finish line of two pieces, I'd like to start painting three new pieces. I also want to start painting on a porcelain tile.

As soon as I finish one of my current working pieces, I'll share it with you here.
