


So, I started going to physiotherapy because I have frequent back pain, and I believe many of life's issues can be addressed by resolving the systemic problems in our bodies. I've always worked out, so I don’t have any muscle weakness, but I have terrible posture and some really unhealthy habits, like how I look at my phone.

My physiotherapist checked my body, spine, etc., and noted the following:

To improve my posture, I need a better mattress, shoes, and chair.

My fine motor skills aren’t the best, so I should do more activities to enhance them, like solving puzzles and shuffling cards.

Nutritional support: I sometimes experience numbness in my limbs, which may be linked to hereditary lactose intolerance (different from standard lactose intolerance). I was advised to drink goat's milk instead of cow's milk if I consume milk at all.

I should filter my water to avoid consuming unnecessary estrogen.

We discussed vitamins and which ones I should take.

I got some homework exercises as well, that I should do every one or two hours.

Headline image by nelk_a on Unsplash