Since the pandemic happened, I stopped using Instagram and Facebook. I used to post my art pictures there, but I had spent lots of time to check out other people's timelines or Instagram pages too. One day, I realized that it was a waste of time and quit it. Since then, I've been able to focuing on painting much more, and I really enjoy it. However, I also recognize that these platforms are great tools for novice artists like me to showcase their art and grow an audience.
For the past couple of years, I’ve been debating whether I should start using Instagram and Facebook again but kept hesitating. I was worried it might disrupt the good routine I’ve built, but I came to the conclusion that I should use them to promote my art. I also consider starting a YouTube channel to create and share art videos.
As talking on Skype with a friend of mine from Texas this morning, I brought up this topic. He introduced me to some community sites for ceramic art. A few of them seem really interesting, so I’d like to give them a try as well.
This year, I want to focus on putting myself out there more and making the most of these platforms to share my art with a wider audience.
It'd be a pleasure to watch your YouTube channel.
@Zobayda Thank you so much! When I open it, I'll let you know.