Mochi Is Deadly Weapon

Mochi Is Deadly Weapon



This year, I skipped most of the New Year's traditions, but the one thing I couldn't do without was mochi. If I don't have mochi on New Year's day, it just doesn't feel like New Year's. Things were so hectic at the end of last year that I hadn't bought any mochi, so I decided to make it from scratch. Nowadays, we have all sorts of recipes online. It was easier than I expected. Here's a photo of the mochi I made. I'm happy with the results.

By the way, in Japan, about 3,500 people per year choke on mochi. This is roughly the same number as traffic fatalities. More than half of them die in January. A lot of elderly people only eat mochi in January, so they don't realize how weak their ability to swallow has become after a year to the point that they can't eat mochi properly. I don't think it'd be so bad to die that way if I was over 85.