Speak it like you are plaing a video game #5

Speak it like you are plaing a video game #5


language learning

Today I finish my retell of a Ted video and do it from a first person again.

The challenge we know in the whole world English isn't being taught like a tool to play with. It is still being taught like an art to be mastered.

Students are judged more on correctness than on clarity. Some of you may remember the old comprehension exam in shcool when you get a question to check the understanding of the text you have read. Your answer to a questin show that you understood the text. This may have happened to you showed that you understood the text but you got a big X mark. You made a little grammar mistake. You just left the letter N off the word "environment".

But what would matter in the real world?

What would matter is if you understood the email, if you understood a clint, so that you can go ahead and take action.

Problem is that people take the attitude they developed in shcool and bring it into their adult life and into their work.

When you are in a stressful situation, and you are having a conversation, and you want to give a result ,and say it correctly. In this situation your brain multi-tasks: you cannot do two things at once. Your brain just sort of shut down.

You can recognise these 3 symptoms of your brain shutting down.

The first one that is your listening goes.

You are so busy with the thought how I will respond trying to express yourself correctly that you don't hear what other person is saying.

The second thing to go is your speaking.

When your brain sort of shut down, your vocabulary disappears, words doesn't come out.

The third thing to go is your confidence.

If you have this idea inside of your mind that is you can be confident when you express yourself clearly, people are talking to you may misunderstood it. They can see it as a lack of confidence to do a good job, perform.

To speak with that great confidence that Faizal speak (a guy the Ted speaker mentioned in previous examples), you do not focus on yourself, but focus on other person and a result you want to achieve.

Imagine a next generation of Malaysians all with that wonderful confidence in communication at any level of English. English today is not an art to be mastered, but it is a tool to use to get a result. And this tool belongs to you.