The Lipids

The Lipids



Different than that a lot of peoples think, the lipids are indispensable for the health. The lipids are presents in oils and fats. Inside the body they are in adipose tissue and are used for power reserve. They are composide cell membranes and myelin sheath of neurons . In the animal, the colesterol (lipid type) is present in cells membrane too, its indispensable for membrane fluidity. The lipids are used for means of diluting fat-soluble vitamins and conposition of molecules like the Low Density Lipoproteíns ( lipid tansporters through blood circulation). The lipids are used like substract for prodution of carbohydrates in the process called the Gluconeogenesis. But it’s important to say that lipids consums need to be controlled, because your excess consum is prejudice for health.