Simplifying life

Simplifying life


daily life

I tend to overwork, overdo, and take on too many things simultaneously. I want to journal, write a blog, do public speaking, code, work out, run, and do yoga — all at the same time. Luckily, most of these activities overlap. For example, improving my writing and public speaking enhance my soft skills, in turn benefits my professional career. However, I know I should simplify my life. I tend to feel that everything is important, and I want to do it all at once. It can be very overwhelming.

What I’m trying to do now is to focus on my activities as projects.

Let me explain with an example: public speaking.

First, I write a prompt here (which counts as journaling). Then, I practice delivering it out loud (public speaking).

The third step would be to try to do public speaking on a subject that is related to my career. So one project would entail three activities — four, if I can make a blog post about it.

How do you guys simplify your life?

Headline image by lastly on Unsplash