Activity: Travel and sports.

Activity: Travel and sports.


language exchanges
intercultural communication
This activity is part of a series of practices that I will be uploading, the questions are predetermined examples(no need to be corrected) but the answers are written by me.

• Where would you most like to go on holiday in future?

I want to visit The Balkans, some of the countries have had an enormous increment of their popularity in recent years and I think that they have an interesting history, beautiful places and reasonable prices.

• Do you prefer traveling by train or plane?

I never had the opportunity to travel long distances by train, so I only can choose plane. But I hope I can use the train in the future.

• Do you plan your holidays or decide everything spontaneously?

In my case, I do a lot of research before I travel. Normally I have a plan for my holidays, but it's common that the plans changes and I take spontaneous decisions.

• Have you ever used English while traveling?

Yes, but only the basics. I traveled by myself to Istanbul and was necessary the use of English to eat, get accommodation and asking for directions.

• Is there a good public transport system in your country?

Until now I rarely use it. But I can say that it's very efficient, clean and normally they respect the schedule.

• Are you interested in sport?

Not much really, but I follow the news of the most relevant teams in football, basketball and Formula One. In the past I practiced for many years taekwondo and tennis but nowadays I don’t do it anymore.

• Is there a sport or hobby you enjoy doing?

I like to skate with my longboard, I'm not the best doing tricks but I enjoy just cruising between one point to other.

• Is there a sport you’d really like to try?

Currently I’ve been doing some research about rowing. I think that activity could be a good sport to try on although it seems physically very demanding.

• What sports do people play most in your country?

In Venezuela the most common and followed sport probably is baseball. Over the years some athletes have reached the top playing with big teams in the MLB.

• How much exercise do you take each week?

In this moment I just go jogging 3 or 4 days a week. Four months ago I hurt my back practicing crossfit and I can't do the same things that I did in the past.

• Do you like to be physically active or do you prefer relaxing?

I believe that we as an individuals need to have a balance between exercise and relax. An excess of anything of boths just will give us some consequences in long term.

Thank you all for helping me ♥