CAE Cambridge Exam - Writing task - A proposal

CAE Cambridge Exam - Writing task - A proposal


language learning

Hi everyone! I'm preparing for the C1 Cambridge exam, so I'm practicing writing. I would like you to assess this post, please. The exercise is to write a proposal in 220-260 words;

"You see this announcement from an environmental agency in a local newspaper: We are running a campaign to persuade organisations in our town to use resources more carefully and to reduce waste. The agency invites you to submit a proposal outlining the current situation in an organisation that you know well and to suggest ways in which this situation could be improved."

This is what I've written. I'd appreciate your feedback and corrections. Thank you :) (IT'S PURELY FICTIONAL).



Everyone can effortlessly notice the harm that we make to the environment every day. The increase of population and consumption has made environmental issues such as climate change more evident than ever before. 

An environmental harmful organisation.

Just be aware of the numerous organisations and companies that entail a problem for our planet; big factories or nuclear energy stations, for example. Another more common example could be fast-food restaurants.

McDonald’s or Burguer King produce huge amounts of debris like lots of plastics, paper and leftovers. Although the number of new restaurants like these are increasing, wastage are often not control by any regulation. 


The tendency of this fast-food locals is to become a twenty-four-hour businesses, which means not only numerous staff working there, but an enormous waste of electricity.In addition, in most of these establishments you can order your food online and a courier will bring it for you, very often, by motorcycle, therefore more pollution. 


As clients, we all need to be aware of this situation, and try to avoid going to these restaurants as much as possible. Otherwise, we will be part of the waste of resources and damage that are being caused by these companies.  


There are many ways that could be applied to reduce this harm to the environment. I believe that the easiest and most feasible ones could be no paper receipts and no plastic cutlery. In addition, it should be mandatory one day-off per week and donate to charity all left food that is not consumed.
