language leaning , ( yes ! Leaning on each other )

language leaning , ( yes ! Leaning on each other )


language learning

Well, here I am , motivated . I said somewhere ages ago that I aim to be A2 in Italian by my birthday this year 18 march.

Don't worry about sending a card :-)

I have signed up for x 1 free One to One lesson with an Italian teacher to see how it goes.

The offer is with and runs until Sunday 14th of Feb. I will book more if it goes well.

Language-Leaning ? Briefly , I use my knowledge of Spanish, all aspects ( I think I am B2 ) to bolster my knowledge in learning Italian and Portuguese. Also today I have ordered a book on Icelandic because it fascinates me .

The sound of the languages I have chosen is what triggers me primarily . Now , ( Language-Leaning ) I write short snippets of useful phrases that I hear in my everyday life. I keep a little notebook handy ! I use various translation methods to convert these useful snippets into the languages I am learning . Imagine if you will , a staircase. Spanish is my strongest, so I pass what I know to my Italian self , he in turn passes to my Portuguese self , and when Icelandic kicks-in...well you can guess. I don't think I've nicked someone else's idea, I don't intend to try

and make money out of it so try it and see if it works for you.