


daily life

One of the many important questions I ask myself every single day is the following: What am I going to do today?

This question might not seem very profound or even worth to ponder over with such consistency. However, since the conception of time or rather the division of many present moments in memorable and countable chunks, humans have faced the difficult dilemma of: Being the masters of time or being enslaved by that very invention. Therefore, asking oneself how to fill those passing hours that have now become increasingly apparent and in our faces, with clocks surrounding you and bombarding your peripheral vision with at least a few hundred glimpses of numbers going up, up and up..., it is perhaps a necessary evil to keep our racing minds relatively sane.

Humans are no longer free in the sense of spending their time exactly how they would want to, simultaneously following the natural rhythm and inclinations of nature. Our minds have been strictly bound to the concept of time and when there is no survival to fight for, foreign thoughts start pouring into our fragile and paleolithic neurons. The resulting energy signal is our motivation boost to do something meaningful. Leave this signal unattended for too long and you will soon feel the very grave consequences...

I have been carrying this burden every single day of my insignificant existence and I have only recently discovered some interesting revelations. One such revelation is the absolute need of the modern mind to follow predetermined routines that are able to lead to countless small achievements that your mind can feel satisfied with.

In an age where we are trying so hard to circumvent nature, returning to the very basics of your naturalistic function might be the solution of many postmodern problems.


Headline image by khyeonie18 on Unsplash