Expressions of time in English

Expressions of time in English


language learning

I would like to share an episode that has happened a long time ago. It is about a book, which I have begun to read, and I could not stop reading no way. This was my first large book that is called The Pillars of the Earth writing by Ken Follet.

I used to read this book when I was waiting the bus at the bus stop. While I was waiting there without doing nothing, it was an utterly time-consuming, then as time goes by, I was reading my book waiting and waiting… the bus. As a matter of fact, my perception of the time has started to change because I was so deeply, so glued in the story that I was not able to notice the time going by. Then, I no longer wanted to take the bus because I wanted reading de book. However, at one time or another I have glanced my watched concerning about getting late at my job. And that happened sometimes. So, guess what? It was only a matter of time for my boss call me and take a hard-to-hard conversation! But he did not that anyway. I was lucky.

As of that moment I started to read the book until the end I have spent two weeks. It is not so impressive at first glance, but book had 900 pages! At least I was awe.

After that experience I could be aware how can be an incredible journey to read a book, and time after time this point emerges in my mind when I am reading a good new book.

And you? Have you ever had some experience like that?