Writing practice 4

Writing practice 4


language learning

Writing task:

Some people believe that the best way to reduce crime is to increase the length of prison sentences. Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways to reduce crime. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Crime threatens the society's security by breaking the basic trust among individuals. Some people believe that isolating criminals from society through long prison sentences can make a safer environment, as they view criminal behavior as things driven by an individual's personality or actions. From this perspective, it makes sense to impose long prison terms, as the risk factor is removed and managed in controlled facilities.

However, the rising crime rate is not solely attributed to personal characteristics; it is also influenced by the environment surrounding individuals. If crime were only linked to personality, what drives these individuals to commit crimes in the first place? Moreover, the capacity of correctional facilities, which are managed by the government, is limited. Increasing criminals with longer prison sentences would be a significant burden on public finances.

Therefore, it is crucial to approach the problem from various perspectives and consider the social systems that contribute to the rise in crime. To do this, we must analyze the patterns and types of crime at first. Based on this analysis, we can develop new strategies to combat crime, such as strengthening the severity of punishments or implementing resocialization programs to reduce recidivism.

I believe that a diverse approaches and a well-plan will be more effective in creating a safer society than relying solely on strict and simple measures.

Headline image by lorinboth on Unsplash