Writing practice 2

Writing practice 2


language learning

Writing task:

Some people believe that children should begin their formal education at a very early age. Others think they should begin at least at 7 years old. Discuss both views and give your own opinion


The perspective to education varies among individuals because each person prioritizes different aims. Formal education typically refer to the minimum level of education required by society to ensure that all individuals are socialized. Therefore, it can be considered a systemized type of education that emphasizes to have the same information in the same way.

Some people prioritize individual creativity rather than traditional learning. They prefer to postpone formal education until children have developed their senses and expanded their experiences freely. Consequently, they allow their children to play without the pressure of learning the ABC or numbers. They believe that these skills can be obtained after the age of 7, and that it is not too late to start formal education at that time.

On the other hand, others believe that formal education should begin as soon as possible because young children are intellectually ready to learn. Early education offers children opportunities to learn higher level and apply their knowledge at a young age, enabling them to utilize and enhance their intellectual abilities from an early stage.

While I agree with both perspectives to some extent, I believe that diversity should be the priority. If children get formal education too early, they may become overly competent on academic performance and obsessed with grades. This could lead to monolithic standard that decreases the diversity of human potential, making us more vulnerable in a rapidly changing society. Therefore, I pursue starting formal education later, at least at the age of 7.

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