Writing practice

Writing practice


language learning

This is a writing practice for IELTS.

I'd like to get score above 7.0 but I am at score 6.0.

Writing task:

Nowadays, more and more people are using social media to communicate. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?


Telecommunication has been rapidly developed over past a few decades with fast speed and expanded coverage making real-time communication. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter have especially changed the way to communicate and the extent of communication. Among these change, one of the significant change is the spread of democracy.

In 2015, there was an election in Myanmar which is governed by the military. People didn't want the military to occupy political positions anymore and wished the victory of National League of Democracy(NLD) led by Aung san suu kyi who was an iconic person of democracy and freedom. Despite fake news on the social media, people shared their opinions and information through their posts on the Facebook with its messenger. Eventually, NLD won in the vote and successed to occupy the assembly as a majority party. However, people didn't celebrate it loudly because of the concern that their mass and broad celebration could be considered as a coup by the military. People encouraged one another to keep calm via the Facebook as like what they did while the election campaign. It is a just one of cases that show unified acts and how people obtain democracy.

I am aware of the disadvantages of using social media to communicate such as addictive contents and decreasing satisfaction of the reality. Nevertheless, I believe these issues stem from the use's behavior rather than the platform itself. Furthermore, social media enbles to share and communicate globally with photos, videos, and short writing which makes communication effective.

Therefore, I want to outweigh their positive aspects rather than the negative ones.

Headline image by manaakbar on Unsplash