It's been two years...

It's been two years...


daily life
"Thinking too much about the past will only cause frustation and anger. Thinking too much about the future will only cause worrying and anxiety, the present is all you have."

A little bit about me

Hello, everyone. Long time no see, it's been a long time I haven't logged in to check on the platform. I hope you're doing well in the last months, I really do. In case you don't know me, I'm Nori. And I've been a part of this community since a little before it was created. I'm a 21-year-old Brazilian guy living this beautiful, yet ugly, good, yet cruel journey we call life, just like you. Oh, my English has gotten kind of rusty.

A lot has happened...

I managed to finally get a full-time job in February 2023. I've made a few accomplishments thanks to it so I'm grateful for it, but I hated it. I've saved plenty of money so I could quit it to start teaching English online, my former dream. Well...unfortunately for me things didn't work out quite well. Regardless of my constant efforts to build my teacher profile on social media and YouTube, it didn't take me anywhere. Everything takes time, I know, but I think we can all agree we don't have all the money in the world to keep investing in something without seeing results. Maybe all this was good for me in the end. Because I've realized I don't actually want to make a living out of English teaching. Sure, I really like the language, but I don't want to deal with all the responsibilities and tasks of being an English teacher. After a lot of time invested in all this, I've decided to give another former dream of mine a try, having a Minecraft YouTube channel. Yeah, I know, this can be quite childish for a 21-year-old guy, maybe. Indeed, I constantly feel like I'm working, trying, doing what I can just to be faced with disappointments. Life is really tough. I'm sorry for this depressing post, but I'm unable to write about anything else right now. Maybe my dreams won't come true, I really don't want to work in someone else's dream, but my savings are running short. So, who knows, my future is very uncertain right now.

Thank you

I don't know when will be the next time I'll write here, honestly. Maybe in a few days, months, years, or never. But thank you for gifting me with a bit of your time and attention, dear reader! I don't know any of you who are reading this, but I just want to say this: keep walking, even if it's just a tiny step, keep walking. While you move, there will always be a little hope that things may get better and the future may shine to you again.