A spider story

A spider story



I share my window with a gigantic spider. Ok, it's not really that big, it's about 3 centimetres with all the legs, but every time I see it, it seems bigger to me, and it gives me goosebumps. It is a very determinate spider: every day wind and rain destroy its web (not me, I swear) and the day after, in the morning, the web is there, perfectly rebuilt. Despite me being insanely afraid of spider, it's a good roommate, it stays outside of the window, eats mosquitoes and doesn't show up during the day, so I don't have constantly the impulse to set everything on fire. We divide the windows equally, I use it during the day, it uses it during the night. My human roommate was not happy of this agreement, she tried to remove the web and clean the window, but the day after the web was again there and after a few attempts she gave up too. Maybe we should give it a name!

Headline image by mcgroom on Unsplash