Yakuzen Cuisine

Yakuzen Cuisine



I'm a health-conscious person and have always cared about what I eat. Particularly, I'm very curious about fermented foods and often ferment various ingredients for cooking and eating. One day, a friend of mine introduced a specific restaurant that serves yakuzen cuisine to me. Yakuzen Cuisine, also known as medical cuisine is a type of cooking based on the traditional Eastern medicine. Apparently, the information moved my curiosity. I made a reservation at the restaurant and went there with my husband a couple of days ago.

When we arrived at the restaurant, they served us some Chinese tea first. The restaurant's owner-chef's wife was a talkative person, and we talked about China while waiting for our orders. She shared stories about her trip to Jingdezhen, a mecca for porcelain. The place is my dreaming place, and going there is on my bucket list. It was fascinating to hear about her trip. She told me that we would need a Chinese guide if we couldn't handle the language well and a ride to get there too. Unfortunately, due to the diplomatic issues between China and Japan, we now need a visa. I don't think I can go there right now, but I still want to keep the hope.

It was my first time to eat yakuzen cuisine, so I can't compare it to other shops, but I have to say the dishes are excellent. Even my husband, who isn't interested in healthy food at all and thinks he's a food victim because of me, loved them. We've booked for next month and already look forward to going there again. Luckily, the location is in Nara prefecture, which has lots of historical spots, when we go there next time, we're planning on visiting some temples or a museum.
