Taking the Leap

Taking the Leap



"What's swayed you towards it? Are you still wavering?" Kelly asked, glancing up from her phone. She was sprawled out on the living room couch, surrounded by a mess of snack wrappers and magazines.

"I'm not wavering. I've made up my mind," James retorted, standing by the kitchen counter. He was stirring a cup of coffee, his face set with determination. "I know you think I'm being impulsive, but this is important to me."

Kelly rolled her eyes. "Don't get all high and mighty on me. But if this goes south, I'm going to be fuming. You know Mom and Dad won't be thrilled about this."

James sighed, taking a sip of his coffee. "I know, but I can't keep living my life just to please them. They've always been so controlling because of our strict upbringing. It's time I did something for myself."

Kelly sat up, nudging a pillow aside. "You're the daring one, always have been. I'm just trying to look out for you. So, what's the plan?"

"Well," James began, "I'm moving to LA. I've got a friend who said I could crash on his couch him until I find a place. I'm not just going on a whim; I've thought this through."

Kelly looked at him, her expression softening. "You know, you were really giving off a more hesitant vibe, but it sounds like you’ve got it all figured out."

"I had to be sure before I told you. I'm under the gun right now, trying to get everything sorted before the move. Are you down to help me pack?" James asked, his eyes pleading.

Kelly sighed dramatically but smiled. "Fine, I'll help. Is it settled then? You're really going?"

"Yes, it's settled. I'm leaving next week," James confirmed.

"Alright, but if this doesn’t work out, you’re coming back, and I don't want to hear any excuses," Kelly said, crossing her arms.

"Deal," James agreed, relieved. "Thanks, Kell. I know you’re just looking out for me."

"Of course. Someone has to," she blurted out, trying to hide her concern.

James walked over and gave her a hug. "I appreciate that. And don’t worry, I won’t let this knock me down."

Kelly hugged him back, feeling a mixture of worry and pride. "Just remember, we’re always here for you. No matter what."

"I know," James said, pulling away. "And hey, if anything goes wrong, I'll be sure to call you first, so you can say 'I told you so.'"

Kelly laughed, the tension easing. "Good. Because you know I will.”

Headline image by andriklangfield on Unsplash