Is it time to take two steps forward or one back?

Is it time to take two steps forward or one back?


language learning
language exchanges

Hey all, here I am again :)

I hope you all are doing well.

As I said in other posts, I studied English in the past, and since the beginning of this year, I've been reviving my language proficiency by studying intensively. During this period, I have already tried many different approaches. One thing that I always do from time to time is to think if the strategy that I'm using at that time is being effective or not. "Should I try something different now? If so, what should I try?"

From my perspective, when you study by yourself, it's always important to take some time to check your strategy and improvement. Aside from that, at least for me, sometimes I feel like I need to do different things in different ways to keep myself motivated.

By the way, I have to admit that currently, I'm struggling to find ways to study actively. I've been reading books in English, watching videos in English, and much more. I've been exposing myself to different kinds of inputs every day, which means that I'm passively learning. However, it's been hard to figure out a way to study actively with the time that I have available.

Because of that, I've been thinking about giving Babble a shot. It seems to be a good platform to practice even when you don't have so much time available for it. However, I don't know if it'll make sense for me because I'm not a beginner. Actually, I consider myself an advanced student, but like Robin usually says, sometimes it is a good idea to reassess the basics of a language. I'm wondering if it is not my case right now, especially because I'm reviving a language. It could be a good idea, but I'm not sure about it. Is anyone here using babble or any other similar platform? Does it work for advanced students? Have any of you had a similar experience?

Thanks for being here, and have a good day :)