Activity: First Certificate Speaking Questions

Activity: First Certificate Speaking Questions


language exchanges
intercultural communication
This activity is part of a series of practices that I will be uploading, the questions are predetermined examples(no need to be corrected) but the answers are written by me.

Is it easy to meet new people where you live?

People here in Torremolinos are very friendly but I need to admit that I have some difficults to open myself to others then is a little bit difficult for me to meet new people.

What's the best place to spend a free afternoon in your town?

I really like to stroll along the boardwalk until I reach the lighthouse of the seaport of Benalmadena.

How expensive is it to go out in the evening where you live?

It depend, because there are so many bars and restaurant then exist a wide variety of prices. So you can choose what suits you best.

Could you tell me something about the area where you grew up?

It is a tourist town, in front of the beach. With warm climate and sunny days the whole year.

Could you describe your family home to me?

I live in an apartment on the first floor of a four-storey building. I share my flat with three more members besides me, my older sister, her husband and their beautiful daughter.

What’s the most interesting place you’ve visited near your home?

Probably was an exhibition of medieval torture devices used in the time of the inquisition. That was roughly 2 years ago in the local museum.

Is there anything you would like to learn about your country?

About The culture and traditions. But mainly about the exquisite food and beautiful locations.

Which area of your country would you like to get to know better?

Some friends have told me that the north of Spain is wonderful, so I want to go there and visit the largest amount of cities that i can.

What do you like about living there?

Mainly tha fact that part of my family live here, in the past I lived alone in Buenos Aires and it's nice have them close now.

Tell us about a festival or celebration in [your home country].

In my city Formerly it was celebrated an event called Sunset Roll Festival, where local artists participated. It had a duration of two days and people from every part of Venezuela traveled to enjoy it.

Thank you all for helping me ♥