


daily life

A PSLE continuous writing practice

Theme: Friendship

Prompt Pictures: an broken arm/a wallet/a book

The noon sun blazed through Daisy's window, painting garish stripes on her bedroom wall. Outside, the world hummed with the vibrant energy of freedom, a stark contrast to the stifling stillness of her room. A cast encased her right arm, a souvenir from a wobbly bike ride right before the summer holidays. Boredom gnawed at her like a pesky squirrel, its constant chatter driving her crazy.

Suddenly, a gentle knock at the door stirred the stagnant air in the room, followed by a giggle trilled like a bird outside. “How do you do, Miss Daisy? A wonderful day for a picnic, wouldn’t you agree?” a girl peeked in and teased.

“Don’t rub it in!” Daisy rolled her eyes, seemingly irritated, but the grin on her face betrayed her delight. “What brings you here? Come on in!”

In burst Maya, Daisy’s best friend, together with a whirlwind of sunshine. "Guess what?" she said, brandishing a brightly colored book. "They finally restocked 'Mystery at the Midnight Museum' at the bookstore! I snagged the last copy for you! You’ve been dying for it over months, haven’t you?"

Daisy’s eyes widened in excitement. She sprang and threw her only functioning arm around Maya in a tight hug. “Yes! Yes! Thank you so much!”

“I know you are terribly bored at home. I’m coming to your rescue.” Maya winked and pulled out a board game from her backpack.

"I've never played before," Daisy frowned and protested.

"No worries!" Maya exclaimed, "I can teach you the ropes. It's a great way to kill time, especially for someone who is grounded.”

Daisy shrugged and accepted the suggestion. The two girls spent the rest of the afternoon engrossed in the game. Maya was a board game master, but this time, Daisy couldn't help but notice several curious slip-ups in Maya's strategies, keeping the game surprisingly close.

"Oh no, I'm losing!" Daisy exclaimed. "Dear Maya, please don't push me too hard!"

"Alright, alright," Maya chuckled. "I'll go easy on you this time, but only this time."

The living room echoed with the clatter of dice rolls, the rustles of cards, and bursts of laughter punctuating moments of victory and surprise.

After several rounds, the game also became a platform for their gossiping ritual.

"Alright, spill the beans, Maya," Daisy said, her voice brimming with mischief. "What juicy gossip has the school grapevine been buzzing about during my absence?"

Maya, ever the cautious one, peeked out the window before whispering, "Remember Sarah's crush on Mr. Davis, the new English teacher?"

Daisy’s eyebrows shot up. "The one with the smile that could melt glaciers?"

Maya nodded, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Apparently, she accidentally left a love poem in his desk drawer. One that rhymed 'history' with 'mystery.'"

Maya then relayed the hilarious cafeteria incident where Mr. Higgins tripped over a stray jump rope, the drama surrounding the upcoming school play auditions, and the latest rumour about a new student with a mysterious past. Daisy listened intently, occasionally throwing in her two cents and offering playful retorts.

As the day wore on, the sun outside dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple. Looking at her watch, Maya furrowed her brows, “I’m afraid I really need to go. I don’t want to miss the last bus home.”

Daisy sighed, her eyes downcast, “Thank you for coming today. You literally saved me from boredom!”

Maya replied with a smile, “That’s what friends are for. If you like it, I can come again tomorrow.”

Daisy’s face brightened once again. She answered, “Sure. You are always welcome!”

When the door closed behind Maya, a warmth spread through Daisy. It was not just the summer breeze but the realisation that the unfortunate injury could not ruin the holiday mood and with a friend like Maya, the days could be still filled with laughter and joy, even confined to a room.