A youtube channel

A youtube channel



Today, I would like to share with you a youtube channel that I discovered recently. That's a channel created by Julie Nolke. She is an actress and she writes comedy sketch. I've only watched a few videos but I already love her work.

The first video I watched was "Explaining the Pandemic to my Past Self" thanks to the youtube recommendations ( for once it was actually a good content ). In this video Julie from April 2020 meet Julie from January 2020. The gap between what Julie from January 2020 expects from the future and the reality of April 2020 is really funny because nobody could have imagined how our lives would have changed in so little time. In addition, she uses a lot of references in a comic and smart way. It's really difficult to make fun of the pandemic when people are dying, losing their jobs, etc. But I think she does it right, she is cautious about not offending people.

This video is part of a 4 parts videos ( so far ) but maybe there will be more videos if the situation continues to evolve in surprising ways.

Here is the link to the playlist : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ms7capx4Cb8&list=PLnnEGJCa5G181q9CDnaFeP-eUTUUCtvDq