Samalla tavalla itsestäsi. Mitä teet? Mitä et tee? Mitä haluat ja tarvitset?
- Minä olen 30-vuotias brittiläinen mies.
- Opiskelen yliopistossa.
- Haluan olla sairaanhoitaja ja lähteä ulkomaille. Olen myös taiteilija.
- Illalla opiskelen suomea, piirrän tai pelaan videopelejä ystäväni kanssa.
- Rakastan kielet, linnut ja isot kaupungit.
- En polta tupakka enkä juo paljon alkoholia, mutta pidän siideristä joskus.
- Syön liian pizzaa.
- Kesällä haluan mennä Suomeen, mutta minulla ei ole rahaa.
- Tarvitsen lisää rahaa!
You seem to be having trouble understanding when something is partitive (or undefined/unspecified/uncountable plural) and when something is (defined/specified) plural. It's honestly not an easy feat as english doesn't have an equivalent. Thinking of Partitive as Undefined Plural helped a lot. For example, the coffee in a coffee cup would be partitive, as well pancake batter, because it is not easy to quantify (and yes I know weight, but no one is going to weigh that just to put a -t on the end). But a specific pile of apples would be in plural because you can count it, but if we are generally talking about apples, it would be partitive.
Hopefully I explained this right and it makes sense!
@3SiameseCats cheers mate. What you said makes sense, it's just that my textbook hasn't introduced the partitive yet (I think it's being covered in the current chapter) so I'm mostly just winging it right now HAHA
@hellias Honestly you are doing much better than me. I can translate really well out of Finnish, but writing in Finnish? Forget it. Currently have a book I got that’s for people who need to work on grammar and vocabulary, so that should be useful. I gotta scan it so I don’t write in it though. I can’t wait to get better because I absolutely love the language
@3SiameseCats the active skills (writing, speaking) are always going to be much, much harder than the passive ones (listening, reading). And we couldn't be more different in that respect lol, I scribble all over my books. Good luck with it 🤝
@hellias honestly I’d love to write in them, but I’m not the only one using the books. If it were up to me, I’d be writing in them. And thanks!