Quality over quantity? That's a common question when the people needs to compare some aspects in their lifes. And for me that wasn’t the exception. In my case the topic was; friends.
When I decided that surround me with people who contribute significant value in any way to my life, I realized does not matter the quantity of friends that I had and I started to be more selective at the moment of pick them.
Among the charactheristics that I now consider indispensable it's found carism because this people tend to attract to others with his personality. Also I like spontaneous folks, considering that normally they are very independent and have their self points of view which allows sharing opinions. And for last but not least the empathy since is important to know to perceive the feelings and emotions of others for be capable to offer a hand when the situation calls for it, you never know when we'll need a shoulder to cry on.
Great job! I loved reading your topic. I completely agree, it is more important to have a close circle of quality friends you can rely on, rather than having a lot of friends who might not be there for you when you need them or enrich your life.
You did a great job using some native-sounding words like "folks" and using some english sayings and idioms like "last but not least" and needing "a shoulder to cry on". It's clear you've worked a lot on your English and it shows, keep going! You spelling was also excellent!