The girl by the sea

The girl by the sea


The walk to the coffee shop was made in silence. Neither I nor Alexa had said a word. Strangely, it was not awkward of boring. It felt peaceful and joyful and I very much liked it. When we arrived to the café, it was closed. Normally, it should've been opened at that hour, but the owner had an urgent matter to deal with. On the door was written :"The coffee shop will exceptionally be closed today for I have an urgence. It will be opened tomorrow. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, your dear coffee maker."

"I think we need to find another place to eat. The owner is not here today." I said to Alexa who was wincing.

"I was craving for my favorite strawberry cake..." she said, pouting, which made me smile to the ears.

"I'm sure we can find another place with strawberry cakes. Let's go elsewhere." I replied.

"No one in the town can ever beat M. Loro when it comes to pastries. He makes the best ones in the town." she said, disappointed so was her dog, who was probably feeling his owner's sadness.

"I love Chinese food and there's a good restaurant not too far. They also have all-you-can-eat buffet. I like their litchi dessert. Do you like Chinese food?"

"Yes, a little bit greasy though, but it's very good!"

"I don't think it could be worse than pastries, the huge amount of sugar in them could kill over the time..."

"Let's go, Dwayne. My belly is growling."

I was surprised to see how hungry Alexa was. I thought that she was about to eat all the food from the buffet, but eventually she got full. Watching her eat made me full.

"What do you do for a living, Dwayne?"

"I'm an engineer, but also a world traveller. I live at the other side of the world in Japan, but I've been staying here for 3 months now. What about you?"

"I'm an artist. I make pottery."

"Really! Can I take a look someday?" I asked, curious to see her artistic side.

"Sure! Let's go right now!"

"Right now?"

"Yeah, why not?

" Okay! "

We went to the front desk and pay. Actually, Alexa had to pay as she invited me, but I wanted to do it. Unfortunately, I went to the beach without bringing anything, except for my light jacket. When she was about to pay, I thought that I'll inviter her too to compensate. The bill was not given, but it was worth it seeing how Alexa had eaten.

"Sorry, Ma'am! Your card doesn't work." the young and polite man told her.

"Let's try again! I put some money in my account... The hell is going on"

As she blows on her card, I was expecting some magic to work, but it didn't pass again.

"Sorry Ma'am, it's been denied" the young man said to her, but then he started to look at me as if to tell me "Hey you! I have other customers to take care of! Why don't you pay, jerk!!"

I felt a little bit embarrassed, but nothing that happened today was expected. So, I just looked down a little bit because of shame.

"What should I do?" she seemed to be thinking.

I wanted to go back home to take my wallet, but it would take me more than an hour to come back. I was thinking hard too, but there was not much for me to do. It was so embarrassing. The waitress seemed to compassionate with Alexa as she was blind and offered a solution.

"My boss told me to call the cops on people who don't pay for their food, but it's ok for today. You can pay us tomorrow, but I need an ID just in case." he whispered to Alexa.

"Oh thank God. I was thinking about a solution, but there's nothing that came to mind..."

She looked in her purse and handed her ID in to the waiter.

After that, we left the restaurant our stomach full, but our brain was still empty from the embarrassment.

"Let's go to the workshop!" she said with excitement as if nothing had happened. I was still surprised at how she seemed to move on quite quickly...