The girl by the sea

The girl by the sea


I was binge-watching TV not to think about Alexa. The more I tried to get rid of the thought of her, the worse it got. I decided not to avoid it. I took my camera to look at the beautiful photos that I had taken of her, which made me smile until I became self-aware. I stopped smiling, instead I went to the refrigerator to get a cup of water, but it didn't help much. "I need to get some fresh air" I thought.

When I went out for a bit, I wore warm clothes as to not get cold. I walked down the streets that were illuminated and not very dark compared to other cities in my country. I was lucky enough to live in a shiny city where you could walk at night. Therefore, I always paid attention not to get out at night that much. Even though nothing has aired on TV about a serious killer roaming the town, I still had common sense.

"Alright! Let's just take a small walk and go back home." As I walking with my hands in pockets, a dog started to barge, which took me off guard. When I looked at the dog and its owner, I got shocked. It was Alexa, alone, walking past 11PM. Without thinking much, I came to her, at a slow pace, not to scare her.

"Alexa! What are you doing here, alone?" I asked. At this point, I forgot about my shyness as I was thinking about how dangerous it could be for a woman to be on her own, especially at night.

" Oh hey, I'm taking a walk and Sam kept yearning for a night trip. Isn't it, Sam ?" she said to her dog, while getting down to its level and caressing its big fur. The dog was swinging his tail out of excitement.

"Still, you shouldn't walk aroung when it's that late. There could be dangerous or weird people out there..." I said with a serious tone.

"Are you one of them ?" she asked with a beautiful smile stressing her beautiful features; she looked like an angel.

"Of course not, me? NEVER! I'm not ill-intentioned."

"So, why are you roaming the town? Were you planning on kidnapping me? Be cautious! My dog is trained to attack people if I tell him to." she said, with a smik plastered on her face.

"It's not enought to protect oneself? What if they outnumber you. Your dog or you won't be able to do anything for you, or itself."

"Then let's hope that such a thing won't happen in the future..." she said carelessly, which frightened more. I didn't know her well, but she had a way of not caring about anything, or at least, pretending not give a damn about anything.

"Yeah, let's hope for the best, but we never know, Alexa. As a man, I also make sure not to fall under bad circumstances. I don't want to find myself in the corner." I was expecting an answer from her, but she slowly started walking, leaving behind as if we had never spoken.

"Are you leaving far from here?" I asked, trying to catch up with her. She stopped walking and without any warning, her body started convulsing. She was as straight as a stick and was about to lose her balance, but I got her right in time. I put her to the ground and tried to control her body, but I didn't know what to.

"Alright, stay calm! what soukd I do? should I call the paramedics, wait, I don't have my phone. Come one Sam, why are you so calm?" She was moving like an indomitable sea and I decided to scream at the top of my lungs, desperate to get some help from anyone.

"HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!" I screamed so loudly that even Sam got frightened. I was about to do it again when a hand covered my mouth.

"Stop it, it's nightime! You're going to bother the neighborhood!" she said to me, almost lecturing me. With that said, she stood up, which made me confused. "Wait, what happened? Was she acting or was it true?" I thought enraged.

"What was that? Were you putting on a show. What was it exactly?" I felt my blood boiling in my body, especially she bursted out of laugh.

"It was so funny! I couldn't see you face, but I felt the mood. I'm so sorry! I won't do it again I promise" She told me, smiling, but I didn't want to be forgiving.

"You know what! You're the dumbest girl I've ever met in my life. I should go now!" I said out of anger, but I heard a voice screaming from afar "April fool!"

I continued my tracks, not in the mood to fool aroung and got home. When I reached home, I calmed down a little, but I immediately thought about her being all alone at night. I felt some guilt building up so I went out again to find her, but she was nowhere to be found...

" I hope she got home by now!" I returned back home, and turned the TV on, but a scene of a man kidnapping a woman made me even more uncomfortable. I was sick to my stomach and almost on the verge of having a heartattack. That night, I couldn't sleep soundly!

I wasn't able to sleep at all...