He May Be Too Honest

He May Be Too Honest


When I was a middle school student, a graduate student from the Philippines would often visit my house with his foreign students from the Philippines and Thailand. He had been introduced to my mother by the Diocesan priest, because he thought that the student might feel lonely in Japan and my mother would be able to console and cheer him up. Actually, my mother was the right person to care for him and his friends. She was a very social woman and loved to treat visitors. She often held parties and played games with them. Of course, my father, my brother, I, and sometimes my mother's friends joined them. I think that they really thanked us for our hospitality.  After he finished graduate study and left Japan, he kept in touch with my parents.  Now, he is living in the U.S. with his wife. Last spring, they planned a trip to Japan and told us that they wanted to see us again. Unfortunately, my father, who he had respected very much, had passed away, but my mother was alive. She was still a social woman just like she was in the old days, despite the fact that her body was weak and her mind had become a little blurred. She was looking forward to seeing them again. However, his wife unfortunately suffered from Covid-19 that very day and we couldn't see them. A few months later, he told us that he and his wife were going to visit Japan again this Spring.  (Actually, we have planned to have lunch together the next Sunday. ) Last December, my mother and I received Christmas cards from them. The card to my mother said, "I'm looking forward to seeing you again!"  On the other hand, the card to me said, "See you when we visit your mother!" I agree that I was not a very social type and I was a child when he stayed in Japan. However, I was a little hurt to see his message. I felt that he thought of me as a little girl who was there by chance, not as his friend.  Am I too sensitive? Should I be simply grateful that he sent me a Christmas  card?